Eligibility of Membership

Any citizen of India of the age of 18 years or above who subscribes to the objectives of the association shall be eligible to become a member of the CAB, provided that he or she:

  1. Is not a member of any other coaching associations (in India);
  2. Is not a member of any organization whose views, policies or actions are in conflict with the objectives of this association; and/or
  3. Has not been convicted of any offence involving moral turpitude.

Membership KYC

  1. Name of Institute/Teacher
  2. Mobile No. of Institute/Teacher
  3. Email ID of Institute/Teacher
  4. Director Mobile No.
  5. Director Email ID
  6. PAN
  7. Aadhaar
  8. Identity Proof
  9. Address Proof

Term of Membership

The term of membership shall be 2 years. A member shall have to get his membership renewed every year. For the purpose of this clause, a year shall be the period commencing from 1st of April of a calendar year or the date of enrolment of a member up to 31st of March of the succeeding year. However, initial term of Active Membership of all those persons, who became Active Member between JUNE 2020 and 31st October 2020, shall be up to 31st March, 2022.

Categories of Membership

There shall be two categories of members:

  1. Normal member: Every person who becomes the member as per the procedure prescribed shall be an Normal member. A Normal member shall not have any voting right.
  2. Active Member: A person who has been an Normal member for at least three months and who has followed the Code of Conduct for members & has actively participated in various programs of this association shall be eligible for Active Membership and who agree to contribute (maximum) fees of one student in one year. An Active Member shall have the right to vote.

How to become Normal Member to Active Member: Follow these steps

1.  A person shall become a Normal Member on submitting the prescribed declaration and payment of the membership fee as prescribed from time to time.

2. A person seeking Active Membership shall apply to the office of the concerned Primary Unit or the concerned District Unit in prescribed format. Each application should be supported by at least two existing Active Members.

3. The application will be considered by the Ward or Panchayat or Sikschak Sabha of the concerned Primary Unit in its succeeding meeting, where upon it shall make its recommendation to the District Executive.

4. The District Executive shall take the final decision on each application in its meeting held after the receipt of the application.

5. This association shall maintain a register of its members in the manner as maybe prescribed in the Regulations.

6. The list of Active Members shall be frozen one month before the call for application of candidates for any election. Pending applications, if any, for Active Membership shall be decided before freezing the list.

7. The National Executive, the State Executive and the District Executive shall have the power to directly admit new members or confer the status of an Active Member on any person. However such power shall only be exercised by the District Executive when no Primary Unit is in existence for a particular area.

8. Any person, who has been co-opted to a District Executive or in any body at the State or National Level, shall be deemed to have become an Active Member on submission of application form along-with the requisite membership fee as prescribed from time to time.

9. If a District Executive/State Executive decides to grant membership to a person who was a leader in another registered ASSOCIATION  in the last ten years or is still a leader, such decision shall become operational only after approval by the National Executive. A leader here would mean either a State or National Level office bearer of another ASSOCIATION or someone who has contested parliamentary or Assembly or District Level elections on the symbol of Political Party.

10.  An Active Member shall pay membership fee and contribution as prescribed from time to time.

11. A person can become a member either at his/her place of permanent residence or where he/she carries on his/her education business but atone time, he/she shall not be a member at more than one place.

12. If any active member changes his place of residence, he/she should get his address changed by giving intimation in writing (with KYC documents) to the concerned Units.

13. It is mandatory to have character certificate issued by concerned DM to contest or hold any constitution post of this association.

14. Interview will be done by Founder member / Sr. faculties/ Advisor panel ; to promote right candidate to participate in election.

Cessation of Membership

A person shall cease to be a member of this association in the event of:

i. Death;

ii. Resignation;

iii. Expulsion/Removal; or

iv. Non Renewal of Membership

v. If he/she joins any other coaching/teacher association (in India)

vi. On being convicted by a court of law for a crime involving moral turpitude.

Suspension of Membership

The State Executive or the National Executive may suspend an Active Member from the membership of the Party pending disciplinary proceedings.

Reg. Office

A/182, Opposite Lohiya Nagar Park, PC Colony, RBI Flats Colony, Kankarbagh, Patna, Bihar 800020

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